dental hygienist burnaby

Dental Hygiene? We can help!

Feel healthy, look better and live longer with effective dental hygiene and preventive therapies at My Smile Health Centre.

dental hygienist burnaby

The Approach

At My Smile Health Centre, our approach is different because we do not simply treat your symptoms, we collaborate with you to maintain your healthy smile by providing preventive services and addressing the root cause of any existing problems. Our team will work with you to educate you on the connection between your dental health and your overall health. The following services can help maintain your oral health and determine the cause of any issues you are experiencing.

Hygiene Services

In addition to routine cleanings, we offer several cutting edge hygiene services and products to keep your mouth as healthy as possible. We offer both in-office services, as well as products and treatments that can be used easily at home.

Perio Protect® Trays

Perioprotect Burnaby dentist

Perio Protect Trays are a minimally invasive treatment for inflammatory gum disease and bone loss. This treatment works by placing a small amount of prescription medicine gel in a special tray, which you then wear in your mouth for 15 minutes 1-3 times daily.  Perio Protect® Trays treat gum disease by holding the medication below the gum line and in the pockets around the teeth, where brushing and flossing cannot reach.

Oral DNA® Saliva Testing

oral dna saliva testing

There are unlimited types and numbers of bacteria present in everyone’s mouth depending on their genetic blueprint.  Salivary DNA testing can help us determine the bacterial cause of your periodontal disease and cavity risk, which then helps us create a better targeted treatment plan that gives you the best possible preventive results. The process of saliva testing is very simple. We collect a small sample of your saliva and then send it to a lab for analysis to determine which bacteria is present.  

Oral Science® Products

Our practice carries many products from Oral Science, a brand that creates toothpastes, rinses lozenges and gels for specific oral health concerns, such as cavities, oral lesions, periodontitis, dry mouth and tooth sensitivity. We carry the following products in our office, and our providers can make a recommendation about which one is right for you.

  • Cario toothpaste – cavity prevention for adults and kids
  • Remin toothpaste – treats tooth sensitivity and dry mouth
  • Xylimelts for dry mouth
  • Optirinse
  • Gengigel for oral lesions ie canker sores

Oral Probiotics

Most toothpastes are designed to get rid of bad bacteria, but while doing this, they can also temporarily remove the good kind of bacteria that your mouth needs to be healthy. An oral probiotic is a daily supplement that you can take to maintain this good bacteria. Our office carries Usana Oral Probiotics, which are taken at night after you brush your teeth, and creates a protective barrier to preserve the health of your teeth and gums during the night while you sleep.

VelScope Cancer Screening

As Complete Oral Healthcare providers, we realize the importance of the annual examination of the teeth and, just as crucial, the remainder of the oral cavity. The VELscope Vx is a patient-friendly adjunctive screening device that utilizes tissue fluorescence technology to help our team members see from bacterial infections to oral cancer and pre-cancer. The VELscope Vx will be incorporated into our annual comprehensive oral screenings.   

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT)

Our hygienists are able to comfortably and efficiently remove biofilm, stains and young calculus or tarter that have built up on your teeth.  This is accomplished with special equipment that delivers controlled powder flow with regulated temperature and  power.  The therapy is highly effective, comfortable and painless.



Your mouth is a gateway to the rest of your body and your oral health influences your overall health. We see you as a unique individual with unique wants and needs. We believe knowledge is power. During your visit with us we will spend time giving you the information and tools you need to help empower you to optimize your dental health and overall wellness. 

Understanding the connection between your oral health and other medical conditions will help you to enhance your quality of life.

Our mission is to provide you and your loved ones with overall health, through oral health. Please spread the word about what we are doing here at My Smile Health Centre!

Dr. Ivy Yu

