preparing for frenotomy burnaby

Although frenotomy is a minor, quick procedure, it may be stressful for you. Being prepared keeps nerves calm and allows for a smoother experience.


  • If you are a single parent or your partner cannot attend, invite a family member or friend. Another adult is helpful for questions & answers during the consultation, a set of ears to remember instructions, and emotional support for you. Have someone in the backseat with the infant for the ride home, especially if you are traveling far to the office.
  • Plan a restful “staycation” for at least two days after the procedure: Take off from work, don’t schedule social visits, shop ahead of time.
  • Have simple, nutritious meals planned and/or ready. This is a great time to get friends/family to help out.
  • If possible, arrange for childcare for other children or at least someone to help you care for them.


  • Decide on pain relief method, shop ahead of time & bring it with you.
  • Have an alternate feeding method ready, just in case. Discuss with your IBCLC who knows what’s best in your particular situation. For example, cup, spoon, syringe or bottle feeding. If you are supplementing, bring what you usually supplement with. If you are not currently supplementing, bring some expressed breastmilk with you.
  • If you are currently using a nipple shield, bring it with you.
  • If you are traveling a distance, bring your breast pump.
  • Consider using the handout titled, “Selecting a Provider for Frenotomy,” to formulate a list of questions to ask the provider.

Checklist of what to bring with you to the appointment

  • Partner or friend
  • List of questions for provider
  • Pain relief method
  • Breast pump if traveling a long distance
  • Nipple shield if you use one
  • Alternate feeding method/expressed breastmilk
  • Water bottle and snacks for you


Your mouth is a gateway to the rest of your body and your oral health influences your overall health. We see you as a unique individual with unique wants and needs. We believe knowledge is power. During your visit with us we will spend time giving you the information and tools you need to help empower you to optimize your dental health and overall wellness. 

Understanding the connection between your oral health and other medical conditions will help you to enhance your quality of life.

Our mission is to provide you and your loved ones with overall health, through oral health. Please spread the word about what we are doing here at My Smile Health Centre!

Dr. Ivy Yu

